Charlin Health Services

What Services Does Hospice Care Provide?

Hospice is a type of healthcare service that focuses on the quality of life for patients nearing the end of their lives. Hospice services can include in-home care, specialty care facilities, and hospital care.

What is a Hospice Care Provider (HCP)?

As the name suggests organizations that provide hospice care services, such as Charlin Health Services, are known as Hospice Care Providers (HCPs).

Each individual Hospice Care Provider (HCP), however, offers different services or programs for patients and their families. The term hospice pertains to a huge array of end-of-life services designed to help both patients and their families. Hospice is used to make one of the most difficult times in a person’s life easier to handle in a variety of ways.

What are the major services offered by Hospice Care Providers?

Manage Pain and Other Symptoms

Hospice Care Providers, like Charlin Health Services, are trained and certified to help manage patient pain and other symptoms associated with end-of-life challenges. While this may sound simple given the resources and tools available to HCP, there are some challenges most people don’t think about.

HCPs need to know how to determine what pain, suffering, or other symptoms a patient needs help with. This can be difficult due to the general nature of hospice patients. Patients with dementia or Alzheimer’s may be unable to vocalize their needs. Other patients may just be too stubborn or proud to admit they need help with something.

It is the job of HCPs to pinpoint how to meet the needs of each and every patient. This can be handled in a variety of different ways including:

Hospice Services can Assist with Spiritual Needs

Assisting with spiritual needs is often the most overlooked aspect of Hospice Care Providers. Most people know hospice provides assistance with medication and other medical needs–but the spiritual services are often overlooked.

While some people have great relationships with spiritual or religious leaders, others don’t have someone readily available. In the latter situation, the best place to start is to find someone close to you who will listen to your thoughts and feelings. A person you are comfortable with and who you know won’t share your personal feelings with others.

In end-of-life situations involving hospice care, chaplains and other healthcare professionals are there to help family members cope with grief and loss. These professionals can listen to you as an experienced impartial third party and give you suggestions and direction.

Hospice Care Provides Medications, Medical Supplies, & Equipment

Hospice interdisciplinary teams always consist of doctors and registered nurses. While doctors and nurses are not necessarily involved in the daily care of hospice patients, they are crucial to maintaining oversight for patient benefit.

Doctors are needed to provide prescription medications and plans for hospice patients. Nurses will oversee the implementation of any medication plans and be able to report and make medication adjustments or changes (if necessary) to the doctor.

Hospice teams also often have therapists on the roster who can recommend or obtain medical equipment & supplies for patients. There are too many Home Medical Equipment (HME) and Durable Medical Equipment (DME) products on the market for the average person to realistically evaluate. Hospice teams make this easy for patients and their families.

Hospice can Provide Family Counseling & Therapy

Aside from strictly medical professionals, hospice teams also consist of team members who can provide counseling & therapy for patient families. Licensed Social Workers, Spiritual Care Coordinators, Certified Bereavement Counselors, Therapists, and others may be able to assist patient families with emotional needs.

In end-of-life situations involving hospice care, chaplains and other healthcare professionals are available to help family members cope with grief and loss. These professionals can listen to you as an experienced impartial third party and give you suggestions and direction.

Some Hospice Service Providers Offer Special Services

While most of the services provided by HCPs are associated with medical needs, some providers offer special services. These services are most commonly related to activities encompassing mental & emotional therapy.

Common therapies offered by HCPs include art therapy, music therapy, and animal therapy. Small services and therapies like these can have an enormous impact on clients during their last days.

Improving the mental state and quality of life of hospice patients has wide-reaching effects. Happier patients lead to happier families, which can be hard to find in the dark times associated with hospice care.


As we\’ve explored the various services hospice care provides, it becomes evident that this compassionate approach to end-of-life care offers immeasurable value and comfort to those facing terminal illnesses. By prioritizing the patients\’ comfort, dignity, and emotional well-being, hospice care plays a significant role in making the end-of-life journey more manageable for everyone involved.

Ultimately, hospice care stands as a shining example of the human capacity for empathy and kindness. Through their tireless dedication and genuine compassion, hospice care professionals create a profound impact on the lives they touch, leaving a lasting legacy of comfort and care for those in their care. As we continue to advocate for the importance of end-of-life support, may we all recognize and appreciate the invaluable services hospice care provides to our communities.

Hospice Inpatient Care

In-home hospice care won’t be enough to properly serve the needs of some patients. In these cases, Hospice Care Providers and services are able to provide inpatient hospice care. This typically occurs when the needs or pain of a patient become too difficult to manage outside of a medical facility.

Other instances where inpatient care plans are offered include situations where family members providing primary care are at their breaking point. Managing a hospice patient is not easy and even seasoned hospice care professionals need a break from time to time. This goes doubly so for family members or friends who are involved with long stints of in-home hospice care.

Charlin Health Services

At Charlin Health Services we pride ourselves on honor, integrity, excellence, compassion, dignity, and trust. If you have any needs or questions about health services, hospice care, or other medical needs, please send us an email or give us a call.

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