Charlin Health Services

How Does Occupational Therapy Work? Part 2

Occupational therapy is a therapy used to develop, strengthen, recover, or maintain the skills needed for activities (occupations). But how does OT help accomplish this?

Occupational therapy involves evaluations, interventions, plans, and therapy to implement goals based on individual patient needs. Part 2 of our How Does Occupational Therapy Work? blog will focus on OT plans & therapy. For more on OT evaluations and interventions, see our blog How Does Occupational Therapy Work? Part 1.

Occupational Therapy Plans

How do OT plans work? OT plans are designed by an Occupational therapist based on the needs or wants of a patient and the barriers the patient will need to overcome.

Different types of OT plans are used for different individual needs.

  • Physical Rehabilitation Plans. Some OT plans may call for certain types of physical rehabilitation to ensure optimal results for a patient\’s needs. Plans in this category look to strengthen independent occupations and activities.

  • Mental Health Plans. OT plans for mental health revolve around the needs of a patient. Different mental ailments can require vastly different plans involving anything from cognitive assessments to group therapy programs.

  • Environmental Plans. Environmental plans can be used to modify environments including homes and workplaces to fit the needs of a given patient.

  • Assistive Technology Plans. AT plans are developed for patients who require a specific type of assistive device for their OT needs.

  • Mobility Plans. Mobility Plans can be developed for patients who require mobility assistance. This can include anything from trips to the mailbox to a work commute.

Many subcategories of these plans exist, as OT needs vary greatly from patient to patient.

Occupational Therapy & Therapists

OT, as a healthcare field, is huge. This requires a large pool of specialists to run effectively. There is no one-size-fits-all solution for individual OT needs. Because of this, it is essential to find an OT who specializes in the field of your needs.

Occupational therapy itself can involve a near-infinite combination of exercises, interventions, and overall plans to achieve individual goals. With that said, successful OT requires something: Stick to the OT plan!

This means continuing to utilize strategies and methods outlined in an OT plan. Making sure a patient and their family are compliant with a given OT plan is essential to achieving that patient’s goals.

Charlin Health Services

At Charlin Health Services, we pride ourselves on honor, integrity, excellence, compassion, dignity, and trust. If you have any needs or questions about health services, hospice care, or other medical needs, please send us an email or give us a call.

About Our Occupational Therapy Expert

Kathy Luongo is an Occupational Therapist at Charlin Health Services. With over 25 years of experience as an OT, Kathy has worked with clients in California and Texas. Her experience spans most areas of OT–from the NICU to in-home care.

Kathy obtained her BBA in marketing from Loyola Marymount University, College of Business Administration. This was shortly followed by a post-baccalaureate in occupational therapy.

Kathy has also served as a physician liaison, program coordinator, and therapist on several rehabilitation units.

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